We bring you a network of professionals and experts in the field to offer you dedicated and quality care

At AOSM, we are your team. Our collaborative approach between our Sports GPs, orthopaedic specialists and network of allied health professionals, ensures that together, we work to assess you and arrange suitable investigations and interventions if needed, prevent further injury and degeneration, and restore you to a better level of performance and functioning. Our highly-skilled specialists are available to assess whether non-invasive, minimally invasive management or surgery is indicated with advanced expertise that you can trust.

Our team of established and respected surgeons and specialists have all completed their sub-speciality fellowship training locally and internationally, and are widely published and in research. All conditions can be managed ranging from acute bony and ligament trauma, problematic musculoskeletal complaints and deformities, chronic pain and degenerative joint disease.

Australian Sports Doctors
  • Founding directors Dr James Taylor and Dr Tracy Shang are approachable doctors who will carefully work with you to provide timely clinical diagnosis, and arrange appropriate investigations
  • Experienced with all age groups and covering the scope of sports-related and musculoskeletal presentations including injury, prevention, degenerative conditions, sports psychology and nutritional medicine
  • Approach to care is personable, ethical, collaborative and patient-centered

Visit Australian Sports Doctors

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Melbourne Arm Clinic

Our approachable and skilled surgeons are available to provide expert opinion for all upper limb conditions.

  • Mr Devinder Garewal
  • Mr Matthan Mammen

View Upper Limb Surgeons

Mr Matthew Barnes

Mr Matthew Barnes is a highly regarded and established orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in the treatment of hip and knee conditions.

  • Mr. Matthew Barnes

View Lower Limb Surgeons

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Mr. Troy Keith

An established Foot, Ankle & Trauma Surgeon who has undertaken education and training with local and internal specialists to provide you with the highest level of expertise and care.

  • Mr. Troy Keith

View Foot & Ankle Surgeon


continually updating our knowledge and skill to bring you care of the highest standard